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Wellness Care

Rustic Line

A wellness visit is a great opportunity to have your pet checked over by a veterinarian. It’s a chance to make sure they’re up-to-date on their vaccines, and it’s also a chance to look for any abnormalities or signs of disease in your pet!

What does a wellness visit cover?

A typical wellness visit will include:
  • Vaccinations – Your vet can vaccinate your pet against diseases like rabies and distemper. If you haven’t taken your pet in for their rabies shot lately, this is the perfect time to get it done.
  • Physical exam – During the physical exam, your vet will look carefully at each organ system to check for signs of illness or injury. They’ll listen to your pet’s heart and lungs, examine their eyes and ears, check their mouth and teeth, feel around their body for lumps or bumps (including the anal area!), take their temperature with a thermometer, feel their abdomen for any abnormalities, and more.

Don’t forget to bring your pet’s favorite treats or toy to the appointment to assure them it’s not as scary as it seems!

Rustic Line
Beige Blob

Come in today for your pet’s wellness visit!

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