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Cat & Dog Vaccinations

Rustic Line

Vaccinations are an essential part of a pet’s health. Vaccine series start when your pet is a puppy or kitten all the way to adulthood. It is okay to have questions about vaccines. Our doctors are here to answer all your questions.

Here are some common questions about vaccines:

Why does my pet need routine vaccinations?

Pets can get sick from viruses and other germs they can catch or may be exposed to by other animals or by going outside. Some of these diseases can make your pet really sick. They can even be passed to people if an infected animal bites someone. The good news is we have vaccines that protect your animal from these diseases.

Which vaccines does my pet need?

Core Vaccines for Cats

Cats should get immunization against:
  • Feline distemper, series starting at 6 to 8 weeks
  • Feline herpes, series starting at 6 to 8 weeks
  • Feline calicivirus, series starting at 6 to 8 weeks
  • Rabies, as early as 12 weeks

Core Vaccines for Dogs

Dogs should get immunization against:
  • Parvovirus, series starting at 6 to 8 weeks
  • Distemper, series starting at 6 to 8 weeks
  • Canine hepatitis, series starting at 6 to 8 weeks
  • Rabies, as early as 12 weeks

Do pets who stay indoors all the time need the same vaccines as pets who go outdoors?

There are some viruses that pets should get vaccines for, even if they never go outside. For example, rabies is often deadly, which is why you vaccinate your dog or cat for rabies. There are some viruses, however, that indoor pets are much less likely to encounter than pets who go outside.

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Beige Blob

Come see us today for your pet’s vaccines!

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