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Pet Surgery

Rustic Line

If your pet needs surgery, whether it’s an emergency or a routine spay and neuter in Laurel, it’s scary for you. Even though the surgery will be done by a veterinary professional, you should still feel comfortable with the people who are going to do it.

Talk to the doctor about your pet’s surgery. Our veterinarians will be sure to explain the procedure and why it is important to your pet’s health.

What are some common surgical procedures for pets?

  • Spaying or neutering
  • Removal of foreign objects from the digestive tract
  • Orthopedic injuries
  • Soft tissue repair
  • Removal of tumors or other masses

What are some important questions to ask about your pet’s surgery?

  • If not, how long will the surgery take?
  • How long will they have to stay in the hospital?
  • How quickly will my pet be back to normal?
Rustic Line
Beige Blob

Have questions about your pet’s surgery?

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